Who is Julia?

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Hello! My name is Julia and I’m a graphic designer with seven years of experience working in house, with agencies, and freelancing for B2B and B2C companies. These companies range from design agencies, consulting firms, media & entertainment, publishing, e-commerce, healthcare, education, and finance.


I went to Middle Tennessee State University and graduated in August 2016 with a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Illustration. I was hired for my first internship a few months later at Locomotion Creative, a B2B advertising agency located in Nashville, TN. I started working on small projects consisting of mock-ups, powerpoint presentations, and discussions of the current projects. By the end of my four month internship I was working on one of their largest accounts. I attended a photo shoot for the largest account where I organized the participants and assisted the photographers. 
My second internship was at an entertainment company called RFD-TV in Nashville for four months. The work that I created involved online and print campaigns. The print campaigns were featured in their bi-monthly magazine, while the online campaigns were featured on their website and social media.
My next position was for The United Methodist Publishing House in Nashville for three years. They are a B2C e-commerce publishing company for the United Methodist Church. I created many online campaigns, emails, and eflyers for their e-commerce website and social media. I also created print campaigns such as brochures, mailers, calendars, and catalogs. I worked with a small group of designers and utilized direction, team work, and various critiquing. 
Shortly after I started freelancing, and my first client was a local CBD company Lazarus Naturals for six months. This B2C company was going through a rebrand, in which I created online campaigns involving web, social, email campaigns, and a branding presentation for stakeholders. I've also created print material such as brochures, business cards, stickers, and physical signage.
I also worked with Deep Sky, a creative agency and animation studio, and one of their clients Amazon. They needed a rebrand of their quick reference guide, and it needed to be viewed as a pdf with flowing illustrations. This digital e-book is twenty-nine pages long with a smooth flow. 
My next client was Marquis Companies, a B2C healthcare company which guides senior citizens through rehab, pharmaceutical needs, and assisted living. Through my seven months I've created digital, social, and email campaigns, T-shirt designs, and animated gif's. They are opening a new office in which I assisted designing all aspects, including physical signage and digital recruiting campaigns.
My next client was Oxygen Learning Consulting Agency, a B2B e-learning platform aimed at sales and marketing consulting. I create presentational and informational designs for their external clients and internal projects.
Through Oxygen Learning consulting agency, I picked up Microsoft as a client. I created icons, digital and print posters, various infographics, and rebranding materials for different programs within Microsoft. I would also participate in weekly design meetings to insure I was on track with keeping the brand standard.
Then I picked up Touchmark Living Centers. They provide seniors with many living and rehabilitation options. At Touchmark, I have been assisting in creating digital and physical assets that adhere to their new branding. These include: flyers and ebulletins, digital/print ads, website banners, social banners, and physical signage like gift tags, posters, and cards for their communities as they sell out their retirement homes and provide activities for their guests.
Kaleido Creative is a consulting firm for financial advisors. They have many clients that I touch projects on, and most of them involve creating financial documents, presentations, stationary, and rebranding projects that involve web and print. Since I work with multiple clients through Kaleido, I am switching between brand standards and maintaining projects that adhere to them.​​​​​​
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